Happy new year! I wish you all the best for 2023. Last year, for my first blog post of 2022, I shared a habit-building tip called habit stacking. This year, I’d like to keep the trend going by introducing you to the two-minute rule. Well, two two-minute rules I follow to make sure I stay productive and build good habits.

Continue reading “New Year’s Habit Tip: A Two-Minute Rule (or two)”

Back in January 2020, I sat down and reviewed my personal goals and habits. Among other things, I decided that I wanted to blog more often. The plan was to start posting new articles to my blog at least once a month, come rain, shine, sleet, or snow. I’ve been diligent in doing it too, that is until last month. In October 2022, there was no new blog post. For the first time in 33 months, one of my longest habit streaks was broken.

Continue reading “My relationship with habit streaks”

Did you set goals for yourself this year? As we head into the final third of the year, how are you tracking towards them? Maybe it’s going well, in which case, well done! I think most people probably can’t say the same, so they might find themselves second-guessing their tools. Should they instead try out that fancy new productivity app? Chances are it won’t make much of a difference. However, there are some steps you can take to improve your productivity without forking out money for the next app you’re going to ignore.

Continue reading “You Don’t Need a New Productivity Tool, You Need a New System”

Stress in the workplace is unavoidable for just about anyone. If you’re in a particularly fast-paced environment, even more. However, prolonged periods of high stress can eventually result in an undesirable state we call burnout. Let’s look at what it is, and how to recognise the signs and prevent it altogether.

Continue reading “Recognising and dealing with burnout”

Are the number of tasks on your to-do list overwhelming you? Maybe you’re struggling with time management and don’t know how many tasks per day are realistic? Everyone knows to-do lists and they can be great tools. However, if you answered yes to any of the above questions, maybe your calendar could be a better option…

Continue reading “Why Your Calendar Should Be Your To-Do List”

So you’ve got a great idea for an app? That’s awesome! Now you have to decide how you’re going to approach building it. Unfortunately, this decision isn’t easy as there are many options available to you. Let’s break down three common approaches, (PWAs, native apps & hybrid apps) and compare them head-to-head!

Continue reading “App development showdown: Native Vs Hybrid vs PWAs”

You’ve probably seen it before: Someone tells you they’re “planning” to achieve some new goal. However, when pressed about it, they have no idea how they’re actually going to achieve it. Maybe you’ve been this person in the past. The problem is often people don’t think too much about the implementation. They feel content knowing they have a goal in mind. Unfortunately, famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said it best: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Continue reading “A Goal is Not a Plan”

Today, I’d like you to pay attention to the notifications you get while you read this post. If you don’t get any, consider yourself lucky. In the time it’s taken me to write these sentences, my phone has already vibrated twice. You might not think much of it, but the interruptions add up and can have a negative impact on your life. Oh, and there’s a name for it too: Notification Overload.

Continue reading “Escaping Notification Overload”

During the past fifty years, the internet has dramatically changed the way we live our lives. More people now have reliable connections to the internet and the internet is more accessible than ever before. Considering this, remote work hasn’t just become a viable alternative. For a lot of workers, remote work has become their preference.

Continue reading “Remote work vs. return to office in a post-pandemic world”