Hi, my name is Emile Hay. I’m a 31-year-old front-end web developer and visual designer based in Johannesburg, South Africa.
I am a creative. I am at my happiest when I get to create something new or can breathe new life into an older website or product to help it reach new heights. I am passionate about all things digital, especially the web, and I am constantly looking to glean new skills and collaborate with others.
Currently, my day-to-day work involves maintaining and improving a popular live TV streaming platform using a Javascript front-end framework. You can find some of my digital artwork, UI designs and the websites I’ve built on my portfolio page. However, I am constantly looking for new and exciting technologies, methods and tools to create awesome websites, web apps and the like.
On my blog section, I write stories and share my thoughts and ideas pertaining to my experiences in the fields of design, development, and technology. I also occasionally share articles that I think might interest others like me.
Thanks for stopping by, you’re awesome!